Friday, February 10, 2012

Graduation Day~~~~!

     This morning I wanted to catch the 2nd bus after my normal one, but of course it didn't show and I had to use the 3rd. I got to school around 9:30ish :(  I hopped on the computer not sure of what to do. Then I was informed that the ceremony was at 10.

     Ooooh so that's why all those people were at the gate. We went into the gym early and some parents/guardians were already there. It was only 30min long but I enjoyed seeing it. I took some pics and videos for the sake of celebration, but I only taught for one full month so I personally didn't feel connected to the kids...well I have made a small connection to the 1st yrs that took my camp. They seem used to me and tolerant of my intrusion in their lives.
We went to a dinner afterwards to celebrate. Maybe it's because I'm in the country but the main dishes were raw seafood. I can't eat much of it though. It's not nasty but I am not used to that texture.

     After we headed back to school. Possibly to finish the last hour of our 8hr shift -_-  but then they said I could go early. I went shopping for a few things, relaxed at home and then headed to my dance hagwon. I end up getting private lessons at one because he only does day classes. Either way it was cool. It's social dance.

     He wants to learn English too, but his son is an English teacher lol He should have studied with him :p

Lots of fooooood!
Graduation Dinner

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