Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Started With Korea

So I've decided to be pulled into Korea and become a teacher for a moment in life. Again I wish there was a down to earth person that just answered each question I had with a definite answer, but there wasn't so here is one in case I forget.                             Just Kidding~~! It's all for you :)

When coming to Korea I researched very little about what to bring and found out that the little I got out of it was wrong! Boooooo. Since I'm female I'm going to include female concerns on this list first.

1. Leave tampons and such at home unless you desperately have a specific love for a certain brand. I actually use a Moon Cup now but for those that don't want to switch, I have found Tampax Pearl and such in mini marts even.

2. You'll probably have to buy a new cell since apparently the sim cards are different here. (Unless you have an unlocked smart phone.) I would suggest renting a phone at the airport first if you want to take time to consider what you really want later because the prices aren't too bad.

3. Get a Tmoney card at a convenience store when you get here. Then you can save bills when using public transportation. This is for the Seoul area and maybe a few cities in Gyeonggi-do.

4.  Find out your shoe size! I'm an 8 1/2-9 in the states. About 40-43 in China aaaand 250-255 in Korea!! But actually 250 only fits some shoes, 'cause of how they are made or what have you, but that is usually the biggest size that stores will carry. Even at Songtan's AFB. :(

5. Make good friends with the Seoul Metro map before you go. Not all trains start and stop at the same time. It doubles in Korean and English so you shouldn't have much problem. It tells you how much you'll spend and the amount of time a trip will take. You can use the website before you go to get familiar with your area and then buy a phone that comes with the map in it. (You can also get a paper map from friendly workers in an office in the metro.)

Again this is not for the whole entire country but it sure does get you around most of it. Be friends in Korean! Be friends in English!!

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